How ValueRouter Solved a Problem No Other DEXs Could for a User

When liquidity dries up or DEX you are familiar with don’t support the tokens you’re holding, it’s easy to feel trapped. But what if there’s a better way to trade, one that offers not only success where others fail but also potentially better pricing? This was exactly the case for one crypto user who, after facing roadblock after roadblock on 1inch, Trader Joe and Uniswap, discovered ValueRouter—a new tool that changed everything.

Let’s take you through her journey.

A Frustrating Start: No Liquidity for 1inch on Avalanche

Like many crypto enthusiasts, this user held 1inch tokens on the Avalanche and wanted to swap them for USDC. Her first instinct was to head over to the 1inch DEX aggregator (, which usually provides access to multiple liquidity sources for the best rates. Unfortunately, to her frustration, there was no available liquidity for the swap.

Undeterred, she turned to Trader Joe, another popular platform for Avalanche-based swaps ( However, Trader Joe didn’t even support the token. Of course, they are competitors. 

As a last attempt, she went to Uniswap, one of the largest DEX in the market, but again hit a wall. Uniswap reported the same frustrating error: “Insufficient liquidity for this trade.”

At this point, things were looking bleak, and she started wondering if she’d ever be able to convert her 1inch tokens.

Enter ValueRouter: A Glimmer of Hope

Just when she was ready to give up, she stumbled upon a lesser-known platform: ValueRouter. Intrigued but cautious, she decided to give it a shot. The first thing she noticed was the pricing—ValueRouter was offering 0.3275 USDC for each 1inch token, 16% higher than the market price of 0.2821. Naturally, she wondered: Could this be too good to be true? Could ValueRouter be a scam?

Despite her skepticism, she took the plunge and made the trade. After anxiously waiting for the transaction to confirm, her doubts were put to rest: ValueRouter not only worked, but she also received 0.3308 USDC per token, a little bit more than expected. Yes, ValueRouter “scammed” her in a good way. 

Beyond Expectations: Cross-Chain Swaps Made Simple

Surprised by ValueRouter being such a useful platform , she decided to explore more of what ValueRouter had to offer. She quickly discovered that it wasn’t just a simple token swap tool—it allowed cross-chain swapping across networks. With this feature, she was able to move her 1inch tokens from Avalanche to Cosmos chain Noble, and then use the IBC protocol to transfer her USDC to Osmosis for further trading.

Once again, she felt a bit uneasy—cross-chain transactions can be tricky, and there’s always a lingering doubt when using new tools. But her previous experience gave her the confidence to try it again. The result? Success, once more. She received 0.3289 USDC on Noble, confirming that ValueRouter was not only functional but also highly efficient.

She successfully received her 0.3289 USDC on Noble.

Why ValueRouter Stands Out

This story highlights how ValueRouter can offer a lifeline to crypto users when major platforms fail to deliver. But what makes ValueRouter different from other DEXs or aggregators?

  1. Better Liquidity Options: ValueRouter taps into liquidity pools that other platforms might miss, ensuring that you’re more likely to find liquidity for your swaps.
  2. Competitive Pricing: The fact that this user received rates 16% higher than the market price is a clear advantage. ValueRouter aims to give users the best possible deals, leveraging deep liquidity and efficient algorithms.
  3. Cross-Chain Capabilities with Circle CCTP: In a world where DeFi users hold assets across multiple chains, the ability to swap assets across chains seamlessly is a game-changer. ValueRouter simplifies this process, making it easy to move tokens between different blockchain ecosystems.
  4. Ease of Use: Despite its advanced features, ValueRouter is user-friendly. Even those unfamiliar with cross-chain swaps will find it easy to navigate.

A New Tool for the DeFi Toolkit

This story isn’t unique—many DeFi users find themselves frustrated by limited liquidity or unsupported tokens. But as this user’s experience shows, ValueRouter offers a reliable and even advantageous alternative. Whether you’re facing liquidity issues or simply looking for a better price, ValueRouter might just be the solution you need.

Are you ready to try ValueRouter for yourself?

Check out ValueRouter’s amazing integration with Solana.






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